Spanning 244 pages and containing nearly 5,500 products, this is our biggest and most complete product offering to date that includes our own extensive range of valves, Peerless wastes and pipe fittings plus many leading UK manufacturers.
We have added over 1,000 products to our range, including our very own Pegasus PressFit Fittings, as well as increasing our P1 Pre-Pack range to almost 400 products. Additional ranges from the UK and European manufacturers include (figures in brackets indicate number of products added):
Pegasus PressFit (138), pages 5-8
P1 Pre-Pack Range (141), pages 223-238
Flexigas (94), pages 75-80
FloPlast FloFit+ (74), pages 162-164
Monument Tools (52), pages 83-85
Novatherm UFH (131), pages 209-214
REMS Press Guns (8), page 82
Wavin Hep2O & HepvO (213), pages 173-183
We have also expanded our ranges with existing suppliers such as Tesla, Calmag, Speedfit (RWC) and Fluidmaster.
Our Product Guide sequence has been improved upon, and with our comprehensive Contents and Index section, the new Guide will help you find the items and ranges you are looking for. A pdf copy is available upon request (or can be downloaded from our website), and if you are looking for prices on our new ranges, please ask your usual sales contact who will send you your terms in an excel/pdf document.
To keep up to date with Embrass Peerless’ news and new products/ranges you can follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Working with suppliers and engaging with our customers has enabled us to adapt in an ever-changing market, to constantly evolve our product offering, to ensure that the best products and latest innovations are accessible to our customers.
Embrass Peerless is the UK’s leading independent distributor to the plumbing, heating and building merchant sectors, committed to delivering high quality products at competitive prices with exceptional customer service.